I am not satisfied, and would like a refund.
We offer a 14-day money-back guarantee because we are committed to ensuring you are completely satisfied and confident that our method of learning suits your needs. If you find that the course isn't right for you, we will provide a full refund within 48 hours of purchase or offer you a credit note. This could be beneficial if you feel the course level isn't appropriate and you'd prefer to switch to a different one.Few readersCan I pay by bank transfer?
Yes, you can pay by bank transfer. Our secure online payment system accepts most major international credit cards, including Visa, American Express, and MasterCard, as well as SEPA Wire transfer for those in Europe. Please ensure you select "Euro" as your preferred currency before entering the checkout to make the SEPA option available to you. If you are unable to pay by any of these options, please contact us at contact@masterthehandpan.com.Few readersCan I pay by PayPal?
Currently, we do not accept payments via PayPal. However, we are looking to introduce this payment option in the near future. Thank you for your patience.Few readersWhere do I enter my discount code?
You can enter your discount code at checkout. There will be an option to add your coupon code, as illustrated in the picture provided below.Few readersCan I pay in instalments?
No, you cannot pay in installments for individual courses. However, if you opt for the Academy, a monthly payment plan is available.Few readersThe payment of my subscription has not been accepted.
The secure online payment system accepts most major international credit cards (Visa, American Express, and MasterCard), as well as PayPal. here are a few reasons why your payment method may not have been accepted: • There was a problem with your computer :) In this case, I suggest you try again to proceed to payment. • Your bank has refused the payment. This could be due to authorised payment limits or for security measures. Contact your bank for further information. • Some countries havFew readersMy discount has not worked.
Possible Reasons the Discount Was Not Applied: • The promotion may have ended, rendering the coupon invalid. • The coupon code might not have been entered correctly. Please refer to the instructions below for guidance on where to input the code. • If the discount code is still active and you've entered it correctly but it isn't working, reach out to us at contact@masterthehandpan.com for further assistance. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/1492d5ed8f231300/screenshoFew readersWhat is the process for cancelling my membership?
You have the flexibility to cancel your Academy membership at any time. To initiate the cancellation, please send us an email at contact@masterthehandpan.com, and we will take care of it for you. Be aware that your access will continue until the end of the current billing cycle. For those on a monthly plan, your membership will end on the last day of your current monthly cycle. The same applies to the annual plan; it will conclude at the end of your annual cycle.Few readers